Advertise With Us

Learn about our EPiC Guarantee!
The coordinated advertising campaign that delivers results. Guaranteed.

Welcome to 92.5 FM/770 AM WVNN , part of Cumulus. Are you looking to advertise with one of Huntsville’s premier radio stations? You’ve come to the right place.

Click Here to fill out the form and we will introduce you to one of our experienced 92.5 FM/770 AM WVNN Account Executives. Let us show you what reaching over a quarter of a million people a week can do for your business.

104.3 WZYP is a proud part of Cumulus Media with our sister properties.

94.1 WHRP  – Today’s R&B and Old School
104.3 WZYP – Today’s Hit Music
93.3 NASH ICON – Country Music from the 90’s to Today!
730 AM/103.9 FM The UMP – Huntsville’s Home for Champions!

Home for the Alabama Crimson Tide, Atlanta Braves and Tennessee Titans! 

While we, of course, offer delivery of the tried-and-true :05, :15, :30 or :60 second radio commercial, did you know our other results-oriented services also include:

·        Compelling Digital Services (i.e., Internet Radio, Display Web Ads, Online Contesting)

·        Active Social Media Communities

·        Rich Opt-in Databases

·        Numerous Street/Experiential Events

·        Text Messaging Engagement

·        Power Endorsements from our Leading On-Air Talent

Smart radio. Compelling content. Engaged audiences. Successful clients. It’s time to take radio advertising to a whole new level.

We appreciate your interest and look forward to helping you grow your business.

E-mail the Program Director at [email protected]

For advertising inquiries, contact John Lewis, Market Manager, at [email protected]

For marketing/promotion/community event inquiries, contact P. Frazier, Director of Marketing.
